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Why Your Business Needs Custom Branded Apparel

Investing in custom-made apparel for your business isn’t just so you can “look cool”. There are many reasons it’s a great use of your marketing budget! Regardless of the type of business you’re in or which types of customers you work with, custom branded apparel benefits your bottom line and enhances your brand along the […]

Cotton vs Polyester

“Do you prefer cotton or polyester?” is a common question I will ask; some people have an idea of what they like but most people are unsure. What are the differences? Cotton and polyester are both two very popular fabrics used for apparel manufacturing across the world with both pros and cons to them.   […]

Made in the USA

Every time someone buys a domestic made item they are supporting an American worker. And that is just one of the many reasons why we should make stronger efforts to use American made products. We have laws that control the working conditions here in the US. Therefore our federal and local governments can ensure that […]